I totally agree with bala24. Their most "reliable and worth" excuse to expose for their - no longer - fans would be that they couldn't do anything to slow the pace at which the Germans were playing because Neymar and Silva were absent. Truth be said, they did rely on those two especially, but soccer is not resumed only at one or two players, it's about everyone's contribution to the overall performance of the respective team and potentially to their win. If they had played at least decent and had tried to be a team, I would've perceived the situation from a different angle. Brazil, you've run out of luck! I'm looking forward to the population's further protests. They government really needed a cold-tormenting shower to wake up from their mesmerizing illusion. Colombia, at least, retreated honorably by saying they didn't have the necessary money to build those opulent stadiums, whilst Brazil really had to waste that money on ephemeral stadiums with no further use, and then even brag about how spectacular they were!
Way to go, Brazil! Probably the worst team selection that has ever happened in the history of soccer, ever!